Thursday, 31 October 2013


First impressions

This week, I finally started my internship. I was very surprised and intrigued by the fact that even in an English high school you can find many different cultures.  LCCHS provides many different services for the students to have during their lunch hours or even during class hours. They have a leadership program, a friendship club, a homework zone and other programs and clubs for the students to have the best academic results and to also feel welcomed and enjoy their school days.  I met a couple of people, students and staff members. The people are very kind and appreciative which motivates me even more and has me looking even further forward to my following internship days.  My host and I prepared tables and papers for the College and Vocational programs open houses for the students in the 11th grade.  We set them up in the area where the students hang out during their lunches in order for us to be able to promote them.  I had a chance to describe college life to the students, I haven’t myself been in college for a very long amount of time but I was able to answer their questions and help them choose the right path.



Mistakes and misunderstandings

I have not yet come to face any mistakes or misunderstandings.




Vocational programs: The College Vocational program is an individualized, supportive program to help bridge the gap for students who have graduated from high school with workplace credits. It offers extensive assessment through the use of several vocational tools. In addition, students participate in career planning, communication and life skills training, and a work experience placement. Today I learned that vocational programs were what we call in French DEP (Dîplome d’étude professionel) in French we use the name of the diploma obtained to describe what the programs are or even ‘’ Formation professionel ‘’ whereas in English there is a specific name for these programs. I found it very interesting and had absolutely no idea what they were when I first heard my host say it.

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