Thursday, 31 October 2013


Today, I had a meeting with my host and we discussed different programs we were going to put together for the students. As mentioned before, my host and I will be putting together different programs for the students such as a study skills program to help them organize their studying and help them improve their academic results by managing their time and their work. We have also thought through activities on how to make a professional and presentable CV and on how to write a presentable letter of intent for certain colleges. 


I have noticed that English speaking people are extremely polite towards each other and have a soft way of expressing themselves even in situations where they are disagreeing.  This week, I didn’t get to chance to interact much with the students but mostly just with my host. However, I had the chance to observe her interacting with her colleagues.  As mentioned above, they speak in a very polite way and don’t get agitated and aggravated when disagreeing whereas French Quebecers tend to get agitated very easily or chance the tone of their voice when in disagreement. I find it very pleasant and interesting.

Cultural observations   

As for the culture, I haven’t perceived much this week. Despite, I have noticed that my internship host is very persistent on her schedule being perfectly made and everything has to be done on time.  She doesn’t accept that things are not in order and she is very punctual. Therefore, I can say that English speakers are very concerned about time, timing and punctuality. 

Unfortunately,  I haven’t learned any new words this week. However, I do sometimes make mistakes, I tend to say the word in French when I can’t think of it right away in English, I have my host correct me. 

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