In this post I will post examples of dialogues that I have been a witness of during my internship.
Informal VS Formal language
I have been exposed to both formal and informal language. My host and her colleagues use more of a formal language as oppose to the students who them use more of an informal language between them.
I do not remember the exact dialogues I have heard however, I will give some examples of differences between formal and informal language. These are words that we use on a daily basis while interacting or speaking to other people.
Informal Formal
Ask Enquire
Ask for Request
Book Reserve
Check Verify
From On the behalf of
Get Receive
Give Provide
Help Assist
Need Request
Say sorry Apologize
Tell Inform
These are just some words I have heard here and there and hearing people interact with others or dialogues between different people in my internship. I have a couple more examples to show the difference.
Instead of saying "by" we can say "by means of" , "is capable of" instead of can, "is required to" instead of must. These are just different examples that show difference between the two ways of speaking the English language. I mostly use the informal language but my goal at the beginning of this internship was to enrich my vocabulary and by practicing and repeating the formal words I will be able to use them while interacting with people. I believe that using formal language is much more professional than informal language.
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