Thursday, 28 November 2013

Entry #8 : Overall reflection

This is my last entry and this entry will consist of a reflection on how my internship went and what it brought to me and everything it has taught me. I will share with you all my thoughts and appreciation of these past days I spent in my internship.


My goals were to enrich my vocabulary, improve my writing skills and become more fluent in English. I strongly believe I have accomplished all three of these goals throughout my internship. I had the opportunity to learn useful vocabulary that I can now apply every day. I have noticed how different my writing skills have been every since my internship, I am now more fluent and pay more attention on how I write and the choice of words that I use.


I had chosen to use strategies such as practice, repetition and looking for patterns. The practicing and repetition strategies were very useful and efficient through out my entire internship. Every new word I would learn I would repeat it to myself several times in order for them to stay etched in my memory. Practicing as well the words and doing grammar exercises with the students during homework zone has helped me learn more words and sentence structures as well as the students. As I said, I also use "looking for patterns". I used it a little bit differently, instead of searching for the similarities between French and English, through out my internship I have actually noticed the differences between the two languages. This strategy was also very successful, it has helped me understand the English language, culture and environment.


I have noticed the most difference in my writing and speaking skills. My vocabulary is now richer than it was before. I believe that my language level has increased. My pronunciation is also better, I did not have much difficulty before with it either but I sometimes made mistakes but I have noticed how I do not make any anymore. My fluency has also improved, I am a lot more fluent in English now than I was at the beginning of the internship.


What I enjoyed the most in my internship is to see and realize how much my writing and speaking skills have improved since the first day of my internship. As the days went, I became a lot more motivated to learn and became a lot less shy than I was. I learned a lot about the English culture and how different it is from the french one. I must say since a very young age I was exposed to both French and English culture but I noticed a lot more different things about the french one because I went to elementary and high school in french. This experience in an English environment helped me learn more about the English one and I appreciated every single moment I had in my internship.

The internship

I can gladly say that this internship was an amazing and successful experience. All I gained from this internship was happiness. Helping the students during homework zone was something that I loved, I prepared a CV making program for them to help them in the future. All of that made me very happy and proud to have been a big help to these students who them in return helped me improve my English skills which I am very grateful for.

Finally, my host and LCCHS high school are wonderful. The students as well as the staff. My host was there for me, she would help me when I needed it. I was got clear and constructive instructions from her. She would talk to me and ask me questions as I did the same in return. We have a very good relationship, she was extremely nice.  The students at LCCHS are also amazing, they are so appreciative and grateful of everything they get and all the help they get from the staff and the help they got from me. I would definitely recommend this internship for next year's students!

This is what marks the end of my internship, it was a great experience that I looked forward to and I will never forget !

Good bye :)

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